MassZymes by biOptimizers


(250 Capsules)

Sometimes, even though you take the extra step to eat a balanced diet, a compromised digestion system can leave you falling short of your nutritional or fitness goals. Stressful lifestyles and daily exposure to pathogens, along with age, have led to many people having sub-optional digestive systems. Foods like proteins, starches, sugars, fibers, and fats can be hard to digest and can even cause inflammatory effects on the gut in some individuals. The introduction of a digestive enzyme aid can help get the most out of every meal to increase nutrient absorption, translating to better performance and faster recovery.


MassZymes by biOptimizers is a full spectrum digestive enzyme supplement and is considered the most potent digestive supplement on the market. This supplement is completely plant based, delivering enzymes of various acidity levels, which aid digestion along the entire digestive tract. Taking MassZymes with meals can help relieve indigestion, gas, bloating, and other symptoms of poor digestion. For those experiencing symptoms of Leaky Gut, such as brain fog, constipation, headaches and skin issues, the full spectrum enzyme blend found in MassZymes can help heal and restore healthy gut function.

The enzymes found in this product can also help with wound recovery and increase energy levels, making it an ideal supplement for individuals with high levels of physical activity. This unique blend contains protein digesting enzymes that have the ability to surpass the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. Once there, the enzymes can break down debris left over from the wound healing processes following a tough workout. Systemic enzymes can support exercise recovery and reduce exercise-induced soreness, leading to improved strength gains and reducing inflammation.

Increases in energy levels have also been experienced as a result of digestive enzyme use. When your digestion is sub-optional, not only do you miss out on nutrient absorption from food, your body expends an excess of energy trying to break down meals. Undigested foods lingering in the digestive tract can cause inflammation, fatigue, and certain skin conditions, robbing you of the stamina needed to get the most out of your every day. MassZymes can help improve energy levels by increasing the rate and efficiency of digestion to ensure optimal nutrient absorption. This increase in energy can be translated into better workouts and enhanced clarity to achieve your goals faster. MassZymes is made in small batches with medical grade ingredients to ensure customer satisfaction

⠂Vegan friendly ⠂Dairy free ⠂Soy free ⠂100% plant based

⠂Medical grade ingredients ⠂Small batch